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Did You Set Yourself A Deadline? - 433 words

7 Days to Set Smart Goal for Yourself

Deadlines are important motivators in goal setting, that’s why the T, in SMART Goals, refers to the term time bound. Time bound means the time you allocate for you to complete your goal. An obvious start and end date for your goals are a momentous piece of your goal-setting plan. When you set start and end times for yourself, you are better able to stay on track, give you the ability to focus on your goal and give you something to work toward. Mini-deadlines will help you keep up motivation because you will celebrate your smaller successes along the way....

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What’s Your Why? - 409 words

7 Days to Set Smart Goal for Yourself

In goal setting, “your why,” refers to the relevance that the particular goal has in your life. Relevance is the R, in the SMART Goals method of goal setting. This part of setting a goal for yourself is crucial because it’s about ensuring that the goal is important to you. There’s little point in putting time and effort into a goal that truly doesn’t matter to you. Goals should drive us forward towards something significant. Relevance of the goal you are setting should also align well with your other life plans. Decide the relevance of a goal by answering a...

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Why Reaching For The Stars May Be A Bad Idea - 405 words

7 Days to Set Smart Goal for Yourself

The A, in SMART Goals, represents attainable. When setting goals, be sure to choose a goal that is attainable - your goals should be within reasonable reach for you. Although the goals you set should stretch you out of your comfort zone and excite you, your goals should remain within reach.  If a goal is impossible to achieve your efforts are futile. It becomes unproductive to put your time and energy toward a goal that will never come to fruition. You will end up losing motivation and feel like giving up if you aren’t able to succeed or celebrate your...

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How Are You Going To Measure Progress - 403 Words

7 Days to Set Smart Goal for Yourself

Measuring your progress for the goals you've set is the second part of the SMART Goals method. After all, you won’t know if you're making progress or gaining on your goal without a way to measure it. When progress is measurable, you can track how far you’ve come, keep focused and stay motivated by celebrating the small milestones you complete along the way. In order to facilitate assessing your progress, you’ll need a set of criteria for measurement of progress.    Similar to the Specific step used in SMART Goals, you will need to answer a few questions regarding your...

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How To Make Your Goals Specific - 410 words

7 Days to Set Smart Goal for Yourself

Specificity is crucial as it relates to mapping out the goals you set for yourself. Overly generalized goals will produce a lack of direction and ability to focus on what’s important. Goals that are too vague will end up setting you up for failure. For example, let’s say you want to drink more water per day. “I will drink more water every day,” is far too general. Lack of specificity will enable you to make excuses. The wording doesn’t hold you accountable; it is not enough of a detailed plan to follow through with. Instead, clarify the specifics. Answering some...

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