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3 Ways To Include Offers In Your Lead Magnet

Lead Magnet Challenge

It’s important to monetize your lead magnets so that not only does your target audience get benefits from it due to its usefulness, but also so that you can make more money while you are building your business. The more money you can make the more value you can begin to offer to your audience because of the snowball effect. As you build your business bigger, you will work fewer hours to produce the same results, causing you to have that much more time to personally help your audience.

To include offers in your lead magnets that are three basic ways to do it. On a resource page, on the about the author page, and within the content. Of course, it always depends on the format of the content but if it’s text and in PDF form then it’s very simple to add value to the content by including offers via these three methods. It’s important that you use all three ways to include offers in your lead magnet for the bests results.

Resource Page 

Essentially this is like an addendum to a full report, eBook, or even a course. It should be a separate page for the content and called something like Resources You Need or Resources Used or just Resources. You often see these on blogs too. It’s no different. It’s simply a list of all the resources you mentioned within the directions to solve the problem. Most of the links should be affiliate links. But, if you use resources that don’t have affiliate links still include links to those too.

About the Author Page 

Another place you can monetize is the part of the lead magnet that talks about you and why you are the one to provide this information. You can link to anything you mention whether it’s your own products that you teach, or products that you promote if you can tie it into the about the author page. Side note: About “me” and about “the author” pages need to be written with the idea that it’s really about your customer and not you. Tell them the things that they need to know to trust you and relate to you making it all about them instead of you.

In Content 

When you mention any resource within the content of your lead magnet it’s an opportunity to include an affiliate link or direct link if it’s your own product to the sales page about that product or service. An in-content link just uses the words you’re talking about as anchor text that is linked to the product or service. So, for example, if you are talking about The Best Way to Clean Your Iron Skillet there are numerous products you can link to from an iron skillet to the type of oven you have or the oil you use to season it. 

You should be using all three methods to monetize your lead magnet. Even if it seems repetitive people are generally lazy and probably won’t want to read back through the entire information product to find each resource you mentioned, but they will save a resources page for later. They will look the author information again too so that they can find you if they found the information valuable. 






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