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Go the Extra Mile by Creating Custom Content and Offers for Your Super Affiliates

Boost Your Affiliate Program Challenge

As you know, your audience needs content throughout their buying cycle. The content needs to inform, educate, motivate, and encourage them to convert. It should teach them about their problems, explain why the problem is an issue, and lead them to purchase the “how” to solve the problem that you’ve created. 

Your affiliates have the same exact process as you do when you promote your own products or someone else’s. It’s all about giving the ideal customer the right information at the right time in their buying journey to help them make the decision that you want them to make and that they need to make. 

Let’s look at the typical buying cycle. Notice this is also part of the funnel. Although if you looked up buying cycle, it’s often depicted as a spoke or wheel instead of a funnel, the labels are almost the same. The reason it’s portrayed as a spoke or wheel is that after the results, it really starts back over if you have more products to offer further inside your funnel.

However, looking at it from this perspective though puts you in your ideal customer’s path better than looking at a funnel from your own perspective.

  • Awareness of Need – They start to realize they have a problem that needs to be solved and do a lot of research about the problem. The type of content you should provide here are research, guides, expert content, educational content, and even eBooks as long as it’s problem focused.


  • Assessment of Alternatives – Once they figure out there are solutions, they will start to compare the solutions available to them. At this point, you may want to provide whitepapers that examine all the solutions out there with yours showing how yours is the best choice.


  • Alleviation of Risk – They’ll look at each solution and determine what type of risk they are willing to take which is not much. To do this they will want to see the money back guarantees, case studies, testimonials, recommendations, and maybe even webinars to help with this trust-building process.


  • Decision Time – When they are making their choice on what to buy, they will need more trust. Product literature, more case studies, trial downloads, and live demos are a great thing to offer. Plus, provide a seamless check out process and follow up. This part really is on you as the creator. Once they are feeling safe, they will make a purchase.


  • Achievement of Results – If the solution works, they will be happy and delighted which is when you’ll send a lot of follow up messages and information for the next product in your funnel. You’ll need to provide more content in email autoresponder form for them once they get on the list, and this is for your content needs, but you can still share with your affiliates.
  • Repeat – It starts all over. Once your customer gets results, you’ll want to nurture them more to provide a recommendation, a case study, and other information. Plus, you can start cultivating them for your next launch. 

Now that you see how the buyer’s journey goes, you can then see what type of content you need to put in front of your ideal customer to help them choose your products and services. When you understand that, you can create this content for your super affiliates to use as their own to promote your products and services. There is really no point in asking your affiliates if they want and need it. They do. Go ahead and provide it for best results. If you also explain to your affiliates how to use the content for best results, you’ll create more super affiliates because the process works.





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