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Stop Being Afraid Of Making Offers

Ebook Super Charged List Building

Part of building your list is also maintaining your list. If you don’t want people to unsubscribe, or forget about you, then you need to stop worrying about making offers. When they signed up for your email list they knew that you would make offers, provide content about your topic, and mail them information. They are expecting it. If you don’t do it out of fear then you’re making a huge mistake. To lessen the fear, follow these rules of thumb.

Create Amazing Content

The content you send your subscribers should be just as high quality as the content you put on your blog and website and in your paid products. The more targeted the content the more likely your subscriber is to open the email, engage with you, and take the offer. If you never send content they’re going to forget about you and they’re more likely to decide any offer you make them is spam. 

Check Out Products Yourself

Before recommending any products, you should either check out the product for yourself or have a relationship with the product creator enough to know that the product is amazing. Even when you’re not ultimately responsible for customer service when you recommend products that others create to your audience, they will stop trusting you if you send them something that isn’t right. Plus, if you’re excited about a product or service it will show through in your recommendation to them.

Create Your Own Products 

It’s fine and well to promote other people’s products as a full-time job. But, when you create your own products for some reason (if it’s a great product) your audience will start trusting your recommendations for other products even more. Probably because they understand what your definition of a good quality product is, so they trust you more.

Ensure Recommendations Fit

It can be easy to get excited about a new product or service that’s all the rage. But, does it really fit with your audience? Don’t be tempted to always recommend every single product that your community is recommending. Pick and choose to ensure that the recommendations fit your audience. 

Maintain Initial Frequency

Even before you build your list, fill it up with autoresponder messages so that a message goes out to your audience at least once or twice a week. If your audience is used to you sending a message every single day, that’s great too. You train them what to expect from the first welcome email to the last email of the year.

Keep Them Engaged 

Don’t just make messages to your list one way. Ask their advice. Treat your email list like your tribe, group, club, membership (whatever you want to call it) so that they feel as if they’re an insider into what you’re going to do next. If you keep them engaged and excited they’re going to be more responsive to your offerings.

Segment Your List 

When you start building your list start with an idea of how you’re going to segment your list too. If you already have the list and it’s not segmented it’s okay. You can start today using different methods to segment the list using tags and list member behavior to ensure that it happens. Segmented list members are more responsive because the messages make more sense to them.

The upshot is that you must stop worrying about sending an email to your email list. They signed up to get an email from you. They are looking for the right products and they are trusting you to tell them about any products or services within your niche that they might need. If you don’t provide that information you’re letting them down. They’re expecting it. 





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