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DIGITAL STARTUP SOCIETY BLOG — Building an Online Community

How Brand Communities Provide Endless Value to Business

Building an Online Community

While all brand communities should be working hard to provide value to their audience, it is important to look into all the benefits they give back to see why the challenging work is worth the effort. Communities take time and hard work through unique content and creativity that inspires your members to grow with you and others outside the group. Here are four vital ways communities provide endless value to your business:  Communities Make You Stand Out Against the Competition  When you host a vibrant community that makes the audience feel heard, you will stand out from your competitors in...

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Four Reasons Why Communities are Crucial to Your Business Success

Building an Online Community

Community building is a fabulous, fun, and effective way to get to know your customers, grow your business, improve your products, and stand out against your competition that you needed to incorporate yesterday. This community-building strategy requires building a community around your brand that puts your customers’ needs first. You will unlock powerful resources, tools, and information that will only lead you to ultimate success through community building. In the age of technology, you must do everything you can to stand out and stay ahead of your competition. Fostering a brand community is nearly a requirement if you want to...

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Essential Characteristics of a Successful Brand Community

Building an Online Community

A successful brand community has the power to unlock benefits and resources that can take your business to the next level.  Communities foster engagement that fuels brand awareness, credibility, and, most importantly, loyalty. With loyalty, you can market and grow your business more effectively than on your own or through traditional marketing efforts. In addition, loyal customers will not just participate in your community. They will loudly advocate for you to their friends and family.  Nothing is as powerful as word-of-mouth marketing. When you build a strong community, you will have many people who strongly advocate for your brand. To...

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Six Strategies for Successful Community Building

Building an Online Community

A brand community is only as valuable as the work you put into it or provide. Meaning you can’t expect the community to do the work for you at all times. You must put work into it first to gain the amazing benefits brand communities return. Strong communities share your messages across many different avenues, starting with their closest friends and family, ultimately increasing your brand awareness, recognition, and credibility.  Here are six community building strategies to learn and how they can grow your business:  Incorporate Customer Feedback – When you receive any feedback from a customer, whether email, in...

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Why a Brand Community is the Business Strategy You Need

Building an Online Community

Communities keep your ideal audience all in one place, making it easier to communicate, market, and engage and motivate them to buy your products, use your services, and consume your content. All of this together shows you why communities are a valuable marketing tool and business strategy to adopt if you want to grow your business. Plus, having a brand-centered community is fun too. And who doesn’t want to have a little fun while making money?  The following are the top five crucial reasons to build a brand community:  To Increase Brand Awareness and Recognition  Building a community increases brand...

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