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DIGITAL STARTUP SOCIETY BLOG — Building Your Business Around Your Lifestyle

Leverage is Your Friend When It Comes to Scaling Your Online Business

Building Your Business Around Your Lifestyle

One way to save time, effort, and money when building your business is to leverage the work that you’re already doing by using it in new ways. Doing this will save time by enabling you to reuse what you’ve done, save effort by not overthinking things, and save money because you can sell the same things you’re already selling in new ways.    Repurpose Your Content    You are already generating a lot of content for your blog, your website, your social media, and your products. You can reuse almost everything you create once by changing its format, adding to...

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Review What’s Working and Focus Your Time and Efforts There

Building Your Business Around Your Lifestyle

One reason you think you don’t have enough time to get everything done that you need to do is that you’ve been trained that “busy” is equal to “productive.” Nothing could be further from the truth. You can be busy all day long from sunup to sundown and still not see any noticeable results from your efforts. If you really want to start seeing results, and you want to make more money and grow your business, you need to figure out what is working and do more of that.   Set SMART Goals   You’ve heard it before, and it...

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Get Your Team in Place to Have the Freedom and Peace of Mind You Seek

Building Your Business Around Your Lifestyle

As a small business owner, you’re likely performing a lot of roles in your business. You may wear several hats - such as customer service representative, secretary, graphic designer, web designer, technical support, bookkeeper, and so forth.    The problem is, this is not a good way to do business if you want to build a business that supports your lifestyle instead of building a business that gives you a job. In a big business or large corporation, they even hire a CEO or chief executive officer whose responsibilities include planning, organizing, and managing the vision of the owner.   ...

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The Benefits and Downside to Creating Passive Income Sources

Building Your Business Around Your Lifestyle

One way to ensure your business reaches the hands-off level that you want it to reach is to work on creating more passive income sources. Passive income is kind of a misnomer because you do need to do work to generate revenue.    The difference is that it represents the idea that you work once and generate income multiple times from the same work - rather than a strict dollars-for-hours conversion. While pretty much anyone can create a passive income stream with their business online today, there are some pros and cons that you need to be made aware of. ...

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Consider Freelance Service Work for Short-Term Income

Building Your Business Around Your Lifestyle

One way to generate money while you’re building a business that will work around your life is to start with a service-based business. Freelance service-based work is the fastest way to generate an income online or offline. In fact, if your main goal right now is to quit the JOB and come home with your family, doing service-based work for short term income may be the answer you need to give you enough time to focus on building your business.    There are many benefits to service-based freelancing:    You’ll Make More Money in Less Time   Most service-based business...

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