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Testing And Tracking Every Part Of Your Sales Page

Finetuning Your Marketing

 The one thing you really need to know is that a sales page up and running is better than never having one up and running. Don’t allow the idea of testing and tracking every part of your sales page to deter you from getting sales pages up for each of your offers. Get them up, and then start working on improving them through testing and tracking. 


  • Headlines – For every sales page you create, try writing down at least 20 to 50 headlines so that you can perfect them. Out of the brainstorming session, choose three to five to test using multivariant or A/B testing. 


  • Call to Action – The same thing needs to be said about your calls to action. You’ll want to test out three to five different CTAs to find out what will work best for your audience. The more time you spend brainstorming your CTAs, the better the ones that you test will be.  


  • Video Versus No Video – Does your audience like video on your sales pages, or do they prefer it without? You don’t know if you don’t test. Try running two versions of your sales page that are identical except including a short video at the top of one and don’t include one on the other. Which sells more? 


  • Graphics – The graphics you use are very important too. Which graphics, such as buy boxes, buttons, lines, and colors, does your audience react to more? Do they like a large buy button or a smaller one? 


  • Buy Box Information – The forms you create and the buy box you insert into your sales page should be exactly what your audience needs to encourage them to buy. How much information can you get away with collecting at the time of sale? Do they prefer checkmarks, or do they prefer another method of adding to the cart? 


  • Payment Methods – If you have access to more than one payment method such as,,, and others, you should include them all to find out which one your audience is more likely to use to pay you? You may be surprised that all your audience isn’t using 


  • Price Points – Test out higher price points, as well as pay your own price ideas, monthly payments, and so forth: the more pricing methods and points you can test, the better. The truth is that this is one time that offering as many methods as possible increases sales over just allowing one way.


  • Product Name – Test out different names for your main product too. It’s amazing how one word can make all the difference when it comes to your audience understanding the solution they’re going to purchase and feeling safe to do so. 


  • Traffic Sources – Knowing where your traffic originated is fundamental because you can then do more to get more traffic if you know you’re deficient in some areas and doing better in others. 


  • Views – How many people come to your page and view it compared to other times when you’re not promoting anything?


  • New Visitors Versus Return Visitors – How many of your visitors are returning versus how many are original? When you get a new visitor, what do they do differently than a returning visitor once they come to your landing page? 


  • Bounce Rate – A critical value is the bounce rate; this is how many people don’t view the site but click through and then leave immediately. This can be reduced by matching up inconsistencies in copy and targeting. 


  • Time on Page – How long your visitors are spending on the page is indicative of whether they’re consuming the information you’re providing to them. 


  • Conversion Rate – Out of your visitors, how many make a purchase or download the freebie? 


  • Conversion Value – How much is your average sale at checkout? 


  • Abandonment – How many visitors read the page, and then abandon it without buying, or even put things in their cart and don’t finish the purchase? 


  • Cost Per Conversion – How much does it cost you for each lead to convert to a customer and purchase or download something? This is a figure you need as it will inform your marketing budget. 


Creating a sales page that makes sales requires that you know your audience, understand your products and solutions, and your costs. Then you simply need to set up testing and tracking so that you can tweak and improve over time. Get it up, try out different versions, and then tweak and repeat. Over time you’ll start producing more effective sales pages for each new product due to your testing and tracking. 




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