One way to work together with your competitors is by repurposing each other’s content. There are numerous ways to accomplish this. You will likely find an idea below that will work for your needs. The main thing to remember is that you both want the same thing when it comes to your joint audience. You want to solve their problems and make their life easier.
- Private Label Your Old Content – When you’ve repurposed your content in every possible way, one more way to extend the life of the content is to offer it as private label content. Put all the related content together and sell to your competitors in the form of content they can private label and use as their own.
- White Label Your Old Content – An extension of private label is white labeling. For example, if you create course content and allow other coaches to use the course content as their own, you can offer them a white label use of the content for their exclusive and professional use.
- Contribute To Each Other’s Blogs – Agree to trade blogs once a month. This also works with all social media platforms. Let your competition take over your channel to promote something special with your affiliate link, of course.
- Contribute to a Book Compilation – Self-publishing is easier than ever with the advent of Amazon Kindle and digital publishing. Get five to ten industry leaders together to contribute content based on a topic you choose. Publish it and share the proceeds.
- Guest Post and Accept Guest Posts – This is the easiest way to get more out of your content, asking people to guest post for you and for you to guest post for them. You can take old blog posts and rewrite them to appeal to the new audience, stretching the lifespan of the content you create.
- Contribute to A Joint Membership Website – Start a website that is either for the industry or for the audience – then each of you contributes equal amounts of content that you’ve already used in your business. This will attract new audiences and also extend the life of all your content or at least content on a specific topic.
- Update Old Blog Posts – One of the best ways to get more from any content you create or buy is to update the facts and keywords to the content periodically. As your audience grows, they may change some of their ideas based on what is going on in the world, and your content needs to reflect that.
- Combine Old Content in a New Way – Another way to get more from your content is to combine it in a new way. For example, if you wrote a 12-week series on a specific topic, add transitions and create downloadable PDFs that will make a great list builder.
- Reformat the Content – Just like you can combine many blog posts to create a book, you can also reformat the content another way. For example, if you have a book, you can turn it into a blog post series or even a course.
- Put the Content into a New Medium – Turn print content into video or audio content. You can even add audio to your blog posts so that your readers can listen to your blogs as a podcast.
The entire point is that every time you create any piece of content, you should plan immediately to repurpose that content to get more from your content. If you make this a habit, you’ll spend a lot less time developing content and a lot more time using it to build your business bigger and better.