Your Next Business Plan Steps: Wrap Up and Move Forward with Implementation
It’s hard to believe, but you’ve finished the 30 Days to Creating Your Life-Affirming Business Plan. This post is simply a record of all the previous 29 blog posts so that you can save it and come back again and again to this document to read the posts when you need to. [LINK TO EACH POST ON YOUR BLOG BELOW] Included in the series are the following posts: The Areas of Life You Need to Design for Success Why Every Business Needs a Business Plan What Really Makes Your Life Good? Create a Lifestyle Vision Board What Resources Do...
Business Plan Resources You Can Use
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to create your business plan. There are numerous resources you can use to help you. Use this list to find resources to use to help you create the best and most functional business plan possible. The more you work on this, the more likely you are to be successful. But don’t forget, set a deadline for yourself so that you finish your business plan so that you can get started living the life you dreamed you’d have as soon as possible. Small Business Administration – [] In the USA, you can...
Information You Need to Know for Your Business Plan
There are many reasons to write a business plan. You may need a plan to borrow money, attract investors, or to validate your ideas. Plus, creating a business plan helps work out operating procedures and can put your business at a strategic advantage over other businesses. To create your business plan, work on collecting the following information and documentation. A Description of Your Business – This is simply what you do, who you do it for, why you do it, how you do it, and when you do it. Describe the Problem(s) Your Customer Has That You Solve –...
Are You Being Realistic About Your Goals?
People often struggle in both life and business with the process of goal-setting—more than likely, you’ve read a lot about creating SMART goals. SMART is an acronym for: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Being realistic is one of the criteria for setting goals that will serve you, but the truth is, the rest of the acronym helps ensure that your goals are realistic. It’s fun to fantasize about starting a business, and it’s not uncommon to imagine becoming a millionaire or making a high six-figure salary while sitting on the beach. The problem with this is that it’s...
Book Recommendation: The Butterfly Effect: How Your Life Matters
Sometimes life can seem very overwhelming. You feel like you’re always busy, but nothing is happening. If this is you, let’s take a small break here and let me tell you about a book that I highly recommend to anyone who feels stuck in life, whether it’s business-related or not. Because the decisions you make impact everything even when you don’t think they are. This book, The Butterfly Effect: How Your Life Matters by Andy Andrews, [PUT YOUR OWN AFF LINK HERE NOT MINE] does not take a long time to read, but once you are done, you will...