Problem Solving Skills That Work for Business
Small Business Crisis Management and Problem Solving
All businesses have problems. Getting to the root of the problem helps rectify things and get them back on track. You don’t have to have a degree in mediation to solve business problems, but it helps to have some important problem-solving skills. While there are many skill sets that help solve problems, a few stand out and make things easier: Be a good communicator Be curious about problems Use teamwork Individually, these skills help identify and solve problems. Using them together makes a big difference in how fast and efficiently problems are solved. Good Communication helps solve...
3 Top Tips to Manage Your Business Crisis
Small Business Crisis Management and Problem Solving
There you are minding your business and doing important work when all of a sudden, crisis hits. The shock and disbelief can make your head spin and the panic has the potential to make you react too quickly in the wrong ways. Before you have a knee-jerk reaction to a crisis be sure to follow some top tips. Top Tip: Don’t panic Top Tip: Get wise counsel Top Tip: Take the right action Top-Tip: Resist the urge to panic and react- Facing a crisis can cause all sorts of panic. This can trigger reactions that might not be...
Prevention is Worth the Time and Effort
Small Business Crisis Management and Problem Solving
When it comes to crisis management it’s better to follow the Boy Scout motto and be prepared. Doing what you can to prevent crisis entirely is worth the time and effort. Waiting to cross that bridge when you get there can leave you unprepared to fight the fire when the bridge goes up in flames. Risk assessment and prevention can help you avoid crisis altogether in many cases. There are key areas where businesses are at risk and taking a look at them can make a huge difference. Areas where businesses tend to run great risk are: Legal ...
Every Business Faces a Crisis Moment
Small Business Crisis Management and Problem Solving
Every business faces a crisis moment. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Crisis isn’t always brought on by poor behavior. Crisis can come in many forms: Weather can cause a crisis Personal issues can cause a crisis The market can cause a crisis Resources can cause a crisis And much more! Luckily, there are some things you can insure against: Losses Liabilities Fraud Personal injury or death But some things you can’t insure against, which can leave you vulnerable and panic-stricken, if and when they happen. Taking precautions and thinking ahead...
Do’s and Don’ts to Be a Happy Affiliate
Use Affiliate Marketing to Boost your Income
Successful affiliate sales come from frequent and meaningful connections with your tribe. Reaching out and promoting the goods, services, and products you endorse isn’t just one and done. You’ve got to be consistent and persistent to make sure your people hear the good news. Being an affiliate is more than giving someone a shout out. It’s important to have a marketing campaign with a goal-focused outcome. Taking consistent action will help ensure you capture as much of the market as you can. Here are some do’s and don’ts for being a happy affiliate. Do: Commit to a...